Accepted for printing: studies up to 120,000 characters; articles up to 60,000 characters; announcements up to 18,000 characters; reviews up to 12,000 characters.
The materials can be in Bulgarian, Russian or English.
Technical requirements for the text
Text should be submitted as a single file in MS Word format (Times New Roman, font size 12, justified, Line spacing 1,5) containing:
– (1) The title is written in the language of the article, in capital letters, centered, 14 pt, Вold.
– (2) author’s name, without abbreviations, with initial capital and subsequent lower case letters, with font size 14 pt, Вold,Italic.
– (3) short abstract (Abstract:) in English, up to 1,000 characters, font size 12 pt, Italic.
– (4) key words (Key words:) (up to 10), font size 12 pt, Italic.
– (5) the paper,
– (6) References should be cited within the main texts, in brackets, by the author’s last name, year of publication and page(s). For example: (Smith 2012: 35 – 36); for two authors: (Smith, Roberts 2015: 5 – 6); for three or more authors: (Smith et al. 2010: 33); for more than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year use the letters “a”, “b”, “c”, etc., placed after the year of publication: (Smith 2006a: 8).
Numeric references to footnotes are placed after the quotation marks and before the punctuation marks. Example: “quote” 1, 1, 1. When indicating images or other illustrative materials: Smith 2012: 16, fig.3; For catalog numbers or tables: Ivanov 2012: 16, №3 or table 3.
References in the text to the illustrative material should be put in brackets: in Bulgarian and Russian (Обр. 1). For materials in English: (Fig. 1). A list of illustrations with informative figure captions should be presented on a separate Word file. Images should be in .tiff, .jpg, .png format and with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. No inscriptions should be placed on the figure itself. The files with the illustrations must be titled with the number of the respective illustration: OBR1 or FIG1.
- (7) After the main text the cited sources and literature should be listed (References).
Reference List:
Primary Sources:
Nikephoros 1990: Nikephoros, Patriarch of Constantinople, Short History, ed. C. MANGO (CFHB 13), Washington DC 1990.
Secondary literature:
1. Books / Monographs:
Ostrogorsky 1968: George Ostrogorsky. History of the Byzantine State, Oxford, 1968.
2. Publications in journals and proceedings:
Mitrev 2008: Georgi Mitrev. On Skotoussa and „Scotusaei liberi” from the Valley of the Struma/Strymon River (SW Bulgaria). – Arhaeologia Bulgarica, XII (2008), 2, 47 – 58.
3. Web references
Carey 2006: Brian Carey. Warfare in the Medieval World (2006). (accessed 20 November 2016).
When using specific abbreviations, the List of Abbreviations is also applied.
BHR – Bulgarian Historical Review, Sofia
CFHB – Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae
– (8) At the very end of the manuscript, the authors add brief information including their academic degree, title, first and last name, affiliation, contact address and e-mail.